I decided frequent short updates are the way to go so that I can remember everything I'm doing. I walked around a long time last night not really ready to go to sleep...adrenaline I guess. Then when I finally got tired I jumped in the COLD shower only to be disturbed by my leader at the door saying there was a baby downstairs that needed surgery now...the OR nurses from the day had left and were unable to come back for this emergency...so i said...ok, I'm not really a OR nurse, but I'll see what I can do.
The two year old had a inguinal hernia that the surgeon (awoken from his cot) needed to repair ASAP. Thankfully there was a CRNA still in the building and one other nurse on my team actually knows how to scrub in. So after unsuccessfully attempting two IVs on the baby...uggghh! better luck next time. I was assigned to prep and circulate...except there is no charting here...which is actualy awesome because you can do what matters instead...like location supplies. The surgery went very smoothly despite the fact that it takes us about 10 minites to find each thing in the OR...what a mess! But the baby did well and I went to sleep.
I wish you would have hired me as your personal videographer for this trip. It would make an amazing documentary I think. Maybe next time!
Yes, lots of updates! I'm excited :)
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