The last several days have happened so fast that I doubt my brain will even understand that I'm leaving until I arrive in my parents home tonight. I am excited about going home. It is time. I don't know when or if I will be back in Haiti but God knows already and will straighten that out for me when the time comes.
As I walked down the street last night to buy my last dinner of street food I reminisced about what I will (and won't) miss:
1. cold showers
2. lockdown
3. cat-calls
4. people asking me for money
5. people asking me for my...everything
6. not having a key to anywhere
7. it costing $80 to get a car to go to Petionville and back
8. fake meat
9. living in a hospital
10. what is lost in translation
11. trash thrown on the street
12. language barriers
13. working with so many NGOs
14. the smell of urine on the sidewalk
15. cholera
1. Sondy Jean
2. Street food
3. the hospital roof
4. simplicity
5. fresh squeezed sitwon juice
6. seeing crazy bone deformities fixed that would never have seen an MD if the earthquake hadn't happened.
7. my translators
8. me-me
9. the way the Haitian rain makes the air clean
10. pretending I'm a Peds nurse with parents who are so gracious
11. CBM
12. seeing Hatian children that look EXACTLY like their parents
13. working with so many NGOs
14. Brooke
15. having my laundry done for me
and haiti, the hospital, and i will miss you.
please come back. you can stay with me anytime.
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