From: Jessica Scott
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 10:52 PM
To: Save a Childs Heart
Subject: Child in Haiti needing treatment
Hello Dawn,
My name is Jessica and I am a Registered Nurse currently working in Port-au-Prince, Haiti following the earthquake in January. I am an American here for 6 months helping to reorganize a hospital. I have come across a 15 year old girl named Kensia. She was evaluated by a retired Cardiothoracic surgeon volunteering here last month and has been determined to need an aortic valve replacement. I am not very experienced with hearts but here are some of his notes...
I have been looking for an organization such as yours for several weeks now and I wondered if this specific case is the kind of thing you take on. From what I have read and seen there is no heart surgery in Haiti at this time, so I have been seeking options in the US, Dominican, and elsewhere.
Thank you so much for your time,
Jessica Scott, RN
Hopital Adventiste de Haiti
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:16 AM, Astrid Celestin wrote: you were cced.
Dear Dawn,
Below please find original email where you referred us Kensia.
Jessica, in the meantime, we obtained visas for Kensia and her mother, they should be traveling at the end of this month. The surgery is paid for...
Astrid and Emmeline
Praise God.

Wow! God finishes what we start. How wonderful you got to see the progress. A reminder to me again that He is acting even when I don't know it and may have given up hope.
So awesome.
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