One of my close friend's from high school was killed in a car accident two years ago today. How strange. If I could create superlatives for all of my friends she would be the one that was most like Jesus. It's crazy to me that His perfect plan was to take her so soon.
This morning I was reading the second chapter of "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan and he mentioned a young girl who was in love with Jesus, she started a Bible Study at her middle school, purchased Bibles for her friends with her babysitting money and was killed in a car accident at age fourteen. 200 teenagers professed new faith in Christ at her funeral service.
The whole time I was reading I thought of my friend Jessica Pety. It wasn't till after reading that I realized today was the day Jessica passed. It's funny how God works.
There are some people so inspiring in their love for people that I don't think they can ever be forgotten. Jessica was one of those. She was selfless and loving. She held Bible Study for high schoolers at her house at 6am before school, served as a prayer warrior at my church, put others before herself...always, and was killed with others from her mission team on her way to serve for six months overseas. The church van was hit head on.
Jessica impacted so many people while she was here. But it was only because she got it. Francis Chan says, "the point of your life is to point to Him. Whatever you are doing, God wants to be glorified, because this whole thing is His."
Jessica understood that, like no other person I know or have known. I was so blessed to be her friend.
not swallowed in the sea
8 years ago